Privacy Policy

pursuant to artt. 13-14, Reg. (UE) 2016/679 

 This privacy policy represents the ways in which Physiozep S.r.l. (“Physiozep“), VAT number and C.F. 02062970435, with registered office in Civitanova Marche (MC), via San Luigi Versiglia

  1. 4, CAP 62012, duly represented by Mr Luca Squadroni, as controller, collects, uses, shares and stores your personal data, as data subject (“Data Subject“), in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR“) as well as in compliance with the provisions issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority, as applicable from time to time. The Data Subject is hereby informed that the aforementioned legislation establishes the protection of Data Subjects with regard to the processing of their personal data and that this treatment will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the privacy and rights of the Data Subject.

Should the Data Subject have any interpretative doubts, the Data Subject is invited to contact Physiozep at the email address:

Collected data
The personal data of the Data Subject that are processed are the following:

  • personal data collected through automated process:
  • technical data relating to the navigation of the Data Subject on the web page (“Website“), the acquisition of which by the computer system is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This includes, without limitation: the IP address or domain names of the devices used by the Data Subject who connects to the Website, the addresses in URI notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server, further parameters relating to the operating system and the IT environment of the Data Subject;
  • information relating to the behavior of the Data Subject who accesses the Website collected through the use of enabled cookies;
  • personal data provided directly by the Data Subject:
  • name and surname;
  • birthday date;
  • email;
  • place of domicile or residence;
  • data relating to the payment methods selected by the Data Subject and, in the case of payment made by bank transfer, data associated with the credit institution issuing the payment;
  • information relating to the personal habits of the Data In particular: whether or not you are a smoker and the number of cigarettes smoked daily; the kind of job performed, the weekly working hours, the amount of stress perceived by the Data Subject in carrying out his job and the length of time he has worked; being or not sporty, the type of sport practised, the intensity of sporting practice and the duration of the practice over the years; the possible consumption of pain-relieving drugs;
  • biometric data and data relating to the health of the Data Subject. In particular: weight and height; being right-handed or left-handed; the possible suffering from specific pathologies or traumas, the frequency of manifestation of the relative symptoms, the

location and perception of pain by the Data Subject; the ability to perform specific physical exercises and/or movements and the possible onset of pain in carrying them out;

  • information relating to the physical exercises carried out by the Data Subject following the indications of Physiozep. In particular: the type of physical exercise and the frequency of execution; the type of myofascial treatment, the frequency and methods of execution;
  • information spontaneously disclosed by the Data Subject through the publication of content on Physiozep’s social network pages (Facebook and Instagram) (it includes, without limitation: the publication of images and textual content, the publication of comments on content already published, the expression of approval through the “like”, the re-sharing of content, participation in events organised by Physiozep, interaction with Physiozep through a specific chat system). In this regard, it should be noted that knowledge of some specific information collected through the use of social networks may depend on the configuration parameters set by the Data Subject on each social

Purpose of treatment
Physiozep reserves the right to process the personal data of the Data Subject exclusively for the following purposes:

  1. for the fulfilment of legal obligations, in particular tax and accounting obligations;
  2. for the fulfilment of obligations arising from the existing Agreement with the Data Subject;
  3. for the management of any dispute;
  4. for the commercial profiling of the Data Subject, on a non-automated basis, in order to send him commercial offers.

The processing of personal data for the purposes pursuant to a) and c) does not require the consent of the Subject Data as it is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of Physiozep, according to art. 6, c. 1, lit. f) of the GDPR. The processing of personal data for the purpose under b), requires the consent of the Data Subject since part of the personal data processed are considered particular data. The processing of personal data for the purpose under

  1. d) requires the consent of the Data

Treatment modalities
The personal data of the Data Subject shall be processed electronically, by means of computer programs.

Physiozep adopts organisational, administrative, technical and physical security measures to safeguard the personal data of the Data Subject and to ensure that these are processed in a timely, accurate and complete manner.

Data communication
The personal data of the Data Subject might be processed exclusively by the following subjects:

  • Physiozep partners or CEO;
  • tax and/or legal counsels, on behalf of Physiozep;
  • employees or collaborators of Physiozep, within the limits of what is required by the fulfilment of a legal and/or contractual obligation;
  • banks or other credit

In case of communication of the personal data of the Data Subject to subjects who do not belong to Physiozep organisation, it will be Physiozep’s responsibility to appoint such subjects in advance as data processors, pursuant to art. 28, GDPR.

Data Subject rights
The Data Subject is entitled to:

  • obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him is being processed;
  • request a copy of the personal data held by Physiozep, in a structured and understandable format, also for the purpose of transmitting them to another data controller indicated by the Data Subject, if technically feasible;
  • update and/or correct the personal data processed by Physiozep;
  • withdraw consent for the use of the personal data at any time, where the treatment is based on the consent of the Data Subject, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation. It is understood that the withdrawal of consent to the use of personal data may make it impossible for Physiozep to fulfil the contractual obligations with the Data Subject;
  • object to the processing of the personal data, in the event of improper use of the In the event of opposition, the personal data of the Data Subject will no longer be processed, provided that there are no legitimate reasons to proceed with the processing which prevail over the interests, rights and freedoms of the Data Subject or for the assessment, exercise or the defence of a right in court.

In order to exercise their rights, the Data Subject is invited to contact Physiozep at the following email address:

Data storing
Personal data will be kept for a maximum period of time equal to the limitation period of the rights enforceable by Physiozep, as applicable from time to time.

If the personal data of the Data Subject are no longer requested due to legal or regulatory requirements, Physiozep shall adopt reasonable measures to destroy such data in a secure way or to make them definitively unidentifiable.

For internal security purposes, following the elimination of the information, it is possible that back-up copies containing the deleted information may persist on the Physiozep servers: this information shall be updated according to the technical update times of the back-up systems of Physiozep.

Right to complain
The Data Subject is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data in the event that he believes that the rights he holds pursuant to the GDPR have

been violated, according to the methods indicated on the Guarantor’s website accessible at the address:

Based on the legislative evolution on the subject, Physiozep reserves the discretion to update and supplement this Privacy Policy, notifying the Data Subject of the modification and, in particular, informing the Data Subject of the nature of the modification.

Last update: September 2023