End User Software License Agreement (EULA) 

Please read carefully the contents of the following agreement (“Agreement“). It should be noted that, by clicking the “I Accept” button or, in any case, using in any way the software called “Tepy” (“Software“), the user (“Licensee“) declares that he has read and understood the contents of the Agreement, agreeing to be bound by the terms of the Agreement itself, in the name and on behalf of the legal entity for which he is entitled to act or in the name and on behalf of himself. It should be noted that the company granting the Software is the company Physiozep S.r.l., VAT number 02062970435, with registered office in Civitanova Marche (MC), via San Luigi Versiglia n. 4, CAP 62012, (“Physiozep“).


Art. 1 – License

1.1 Physiozep grants to the Licensee, who accepts, specific property rights in the Software (“License“).

1.2 The Licence relates exclusively to the specific right to use the Software, consisting in the download, installation and use of certain functions of the Software, excluding the grant to the Licensee of the right to distribute, reproduce, modify and rework the Software, without prejudice to the provisions of art. 3.2 of the Agreement.

1.3 The Licence shall be deemed to be for consideration (with the exception of the Trial Licence, as defined below), non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, for a limited time, and without territorial limits.

1.4 The Licensee understands that the property rights to the Software referred to in paragraph 1.2 are not assigned but granted for use in favor of the Licensee, while Physiozep retains the exclusive ownership of the same.

1.5 Licensee may, during the term of the Agreement, make an unlimited number of downloads of the Software and use the Software simultaneously on up to two (2) hardware systems equipped with a storage device (“Device“) for each License.

1.6 The following types of Licence are envisaged, the specifications of which are better established in art. 12.1, below:

  • Trial License (“Free Trial“);
  • Monthly license;
  • Six-month license;
  • Annual license.


Art. 2 – Fee

2.1 The Software Licence is granted for a fee (“Fee“) determined according to the type of Licence, in accordance with Art. 12.1, infra.

2.2 Once the type of License has been selected, Physiozep will send the Licensee a communication, by e-mail, summarizing the type of License chosen and the economic conditions applied (“Order Confirmation“).

2.3 If the Licensee has chosen the payment method by bank transfer, within three (3) days from the date indicated in the Order Confirmation, the Licensee is required to make the payment of the Fee in favor of Physiozep, according to the established procedures, under penalty of revocation and automatic cancellation of the Order Confirmation.


Art. 3 – Restrictions

3.1 Pursuant to the combined provisions of art. 19 and 119, paragraph four, of Law 633/41, the exercise by the Licensee of the rights granted pursuant to art. Article 1 of the Agreement does not exclude the exclusive exercise of any of the other rights of Physiozep, as owner of the property rights to the Software.

3.2 In particular, the Licensee is expressly prohibited from:

  • modify, reconfigure, translate, disassemble, decompile, decipher, adapt, organize or create derivative works based on the Software, reverse-engineer, trace or attempt to trace back any algorithm, method or technique used or forming part of the Software or, in any case, rework the Software in any way, even notwithstanding art. 64 ter, first paragraph, and 64 quarter, first paragraph, L. 633/41, given that the Licensee expressly acknowledges and accepts that any correction of technical errors on the Software, any form of reproduction aimed at achieving interoperability of the Software with other computer programs, even if created independently by the Licensee, or any possible implementation of the functions of the Software and/or reconfiguration of the same will always and in any case be delegated to the first application exclusively to Physiozep. With specific reference to the hypothesis in which the request for modification of the Software code is aimed at achieving the interoperability of the Software with other computer programs, Physiozep, pursuant to art. 64 quarter, first paragraph, letter b), Law 633/41, undertakes to promptly provide the Licensee with the information necessary to achieve interoperability. Only in the event of refusal by Physiozep to carry out such modifications and/or technical interventions requested by the Licensee, the Licensee will be free to exercise the right to modify the Software;
  • use any equipment, device, software or other means to circumvent, circumvent or remove any form of technical protection used by Physiozep in connection with the Software or to test for its vulnerability;
  • duplicate, distribute, sell or sublicense the Software or portions of the source code of the Software or assign to any third party any exclusive rights of economic use in the Software, except as may be permitted by the type of License used.

3.3 This is without prejudice to the Licensee’s right, pursuant to art. 64 ter, second paragraph, L. 633/41, to carry out or authorize the reproduction, permanent or temporary, total or partial, of the Software in order to make a backup copy of the data (“Backup Copy”), if the Backup Copy is necessary for the use of the Software and provided that the Backup Copy works only and exclusively if the Software cannot work. In this sense, the Licensee is required to reproduce on the Backup Copy, even partially, the indications relating to copyright and any other indication relating to the ownership rights on the Software, as better defined in art. 9 of the Contract.

3.4 This is without prejudice to Physiozep’s right to monitor and verify the Licensee’s use of the Software to ensure compliance with the terms of use set forth in the Agreement.


Art. 4 – Changes

4.1 Physiozep reserves the right to modify or implement the Software at its discretion (“Updates“), during the term of the Agreement.

4.2 You may choose whether to install Updates automatically or manually.

4.3 Physiozep undertakes, subject to unquestionable technical evaluation, to resolve any errors on the Software recognized and communicated by the Licensee.

4.4 Updates and any other support services are provided by Physiozep only to the Licensees of the original Software. It should be noted that proceeding with the update of non-genuine software with Updates from Physiozep does not make the initial version or the updated version original and, in this case, the Licensee has no right to use the Software.


Art. 5 – Maintenance

5.1 Physiozep undertakes to provide technical support to the Licensee (“Support“). In this sense, the Licensee is invited to contact Physiozep at the e-mail address ***, specifying the nature of the request for Assistance.

5.2 Physiozep undertakes to take charge of requests for Assistance no later than three working days from receipt of the e-mail referred to in art. 5.1.

5.3 Assistance is not provided to the Licensee who has not installed the Updates, pursuant to art. 4.2.


Art. 6 – Term and renewal

6.1 The Contract has a minimum duration of thirty (30) days and a maximum duration of twelve (12) months.

6.2 Entro i trenta (30) giorni antecedenti la scadenza del Contratto, Physiozep si impegna ad inviare al Licenziatario preavvisi di disattivazione, indicando le modalità di rinnovo del Contratto. In caso il Licenziatario non eserciti il diritto di rinnovo del Contratto, il Software sarà automaticamente disattivato al termine del Contratto.


Art. 7 – Revoca

7.1 Physiozep si riserva il diritto di revocare la Licenza in qualsiasi momento, senza necessità di preavviso, in caso il Licenziatario risulti inadempiente rispetto ai termini e alle condizioni del Contratto.

7.2 In particolare, in caso il Licenziatario violi i termini e le condizioni previste dall’art. 3.2 del Contratto, Physiozep provvederà ad inviare formale comunicazione al Licenziatario, a mezzo di e-mail, invitandolo a regolarizzare la sua posizione ponendo rimedio alla violazione commessa, entro e non oltre trenta (30) giorni dalla data di notifica della comunicazione. In caso lo stato di violazione perduri oltre il suddetto termine, Physiozep si riserva di esercitare discrezionalmente il diritto di revoca della Licenza, senza ulteriore avviso al Licenziatario.


Art. 8 – Proprietà intellettuale

8.1 Il Licenziatario riconosce che, ai sensi dell’art. 12, comma secondo, L. 633/41, Physiozep detiene la titolarità dei diritti esclusivi di utilizzazione economica sul Software e la Licenza non attribuisce al Licenziatario alcun diritto sul codice sorgente originale. Tutte le tecniche, gli algoritmi e i procedimenti contenuti nel Software, inclusi, ai sensi dell’art. 2, D. Lgs. 518/92, i materiali preparatori quali i diagrammi di flusso e le descrizioni di sequenze, nonché i contenuti rappresentati nella eventuale documentazione accessoria al Software quali, a mero titolo esemplificativo e non esaustivo, l’eventuale manuale utente, costituiscono informazioni protette dal diritto d’autore e sono di esclusiva proprietà di Physiozep.

8.2 Il Licenziatario accetta che il Software rechi espresso riferimento a Physiozep, quale titolare dei diritti patrimoniali sul Software.

8.3 La titolarità dei diritti inerenti al marchio “Tepy” ovvero di qualsiasi segno distintivo o denominazione apposti sul Software spetta interamente a Physiozep.

8.4 Il Licenziatario è autorizzato a divulgare informazioni inerenti al Software a condizione che ne richiami espressamente la paternità in capo a Physiozep.


Art. 9 – Limitazione della responsabilità

9.1 Il Software è accettato dal Licenziatario sulla scorta delle caratteristiche tecniche e funzionali nonché delle potenzialità di implementazione rappresentate da Physiozep in sede precontrattuale.

9.2 In particolare, il Licenziatario riconosce ed accetta che, salvo il caso di dolo o colpa grave, Physiozep non potrà essere considerata responsabile per qualsivoglia danno, derivante da o in qualsiasi modo connesso all’installazione, all’utilizzo e alle prestazioni del Software e/o alla documentazione accessoria al Software. Nella misura consentita dalla legge, Physiozep esclude esplicitamente qualsivoglia tipo di garanzia in relazione al Software, compresa in particolare ogni garanzia circa l’idoneità a impieghi particolari e la sussistenza di precisi requisiti tecnici qualitativi.

9.3 Physiozep non assume altresì alcuna responsabilità circa il corretto funzionamento e la sicurezza dei dispositivi, hardware e software, adoperati dal Licenziatario per utilizzare il Software, né sul regolare funzionamento di linee elettriche o telefoniche o altri fattori esterni alla propria organizzazione che possano inficiare il corretto funzionamento del Software. In particolare, non potendo Physiozep garantire la sicurezza o la riservatezza delle comunicazioni elettroniche, non potrà essere considerata responsabile nei confronti del Licenziatario per qualsiasi perdita o danno che il Licenziatario dovesse subire quale conseguenza della trasmissione di tali comunicazioni nell’utilizzo del Software.

9.4 Nel caso di eventuali malfunzionamenti del Software ovvero in caso di interruzioni temporanee di esercizio del Software dovute all’installazione di Aggiornamenti, Physiozep non potrà comunque essere considerata responsabile per eventuali perdite sopportate dal Licenziatario o da terzi tra cui si citano, a mero titolo esemplificativo, lucro cessante, spese di ripristino dell’attività, responsabilità civile verso terzi.

9.5 Il Licenziatario riconosce ed accetta che, in caso di cancellazione di dati, tali contenuti non potranno essere recuperati da Physiozep mediante software di recovery messi a disposizione da Physiozep.

9.6 Il Licenziatario riconosce espressamente che il Software non deve essere inteso quale strumento volto ad offrire alcuna tipologia di assistenza medico/sanitaria. Segnatamente, il Licenziatario manleva sin d’ora Physiozep per ogni eventuale danno patito nell’esecuzione e/o conseguente all’esecuzione degli esercizi e/o movimenti suggeriti dal Software.

9.7 Nell’ipotesi in cui il Licenziatario non abbia provveduto all’installazione degli Aggiornamenti, Physiozep non potrà in alcun modo essere ritenuta responsabile per malfunzionamenti del Software.


Art. 10 – Divieto di cessione

10.1 È fatto divieto al Licenziatario di cedere il Contratto, ovvero eventuali singoli diritti da esso scaturiti, in favore di terzi, senza espresso consenso da parte di Physiozep.


Art. 11 – Risoluzione

11.1 È attribuita a Physiozep la facoltà di invocare la risoluzione di diritto, ai sensi e per gli effetti dell’art. 1456 c.c., inviando comunicazione PEC al Licenziatario, con efficacia immediata, a seguito del verificarsi anche di uno solo dei seguenti gravi inadempimenti:

  1. a) assoggettamento del Licenziatario a fallimento o altra procedura concorsuale che impedisca al Licenziatario l’adempimento delle obbligazioni stabilite dal Contratto;
  2. b) cessione in tutto o in parte del Contratto ovvero di singoli diritti sul Software, in assenza di autorizzazione di Physiozep;
  3. c) inadempimento nel pagamento del Canone da parte del Licenziatario;

11.2 Fatta salva l’applicazione della clausola risolutiva espressa di cui al comma precedente, in caso il Licenziatario non adempia precisamente alle obbligazioni previste a suo carico dal Contratto, Physiozep, ai sensi dell’art. 1454 c.c., potrà inviare formale diffida ad adempiere, assegnando al Licenziatario un termine minimo di quindici (15) giorni lavorativi, o altro maggior termine ritenuto idoneo da Physiozep, dando al contempo espresso avvertimento che, decorso inutilmente tale termine, il Contratto si intenderà risolto.

11.3 However, Physiozep’s right to compensation for any further damage remains unaffected.


Art. 12 – Types of Licenses

12.1 Pursuant to Art. 1.6, Physozep grants the License under the following terms:

  • Free Trial License: The duration of the License is seven (7) consecutive days from the date of acceptance of the Agreement. No fee will be charged. After the term of use of the Free Trial License, Licensee will automatically begin to use the Software under the plan set forth in the Monthly License. The activation of only one Free Trial License per Licensee is permitted: once the term of use of the Free Trial License has expired, the Licensee will no longer be able to use the Software free of charge and will have the right to activate a monthly, semi-annual or annual License;
  • Monthly License: The term of the License is thirty (30) consecutive days from the date of acceptance of the Agreement or from the date of expiration of the Free Trial License. Upon activation of the monthly License, the Licensee is required to pay, on a one-off basis, a one-off fee of Euro ***. After the term of use of the Monthly License, Licensee shall be entitled to use the Software, for a fee, by activating a new Monthly License or a Six-month or Annual License;
  • Six-month License: The term of the License is one hundred and eighty-two (182) consecutive days from the date of acceptance of the Agreement. Upon activation of the six-month License, the Licensee is required to pay, on a one-off basis, a one-off fee of Euro ***. After the term of use of the Six-month License, Licensee shall be entitled to use the Software, for a fee, by activating a new Six-month License or a monthly or annual License;
  • Annual License: The term of the License is three hundred and sixty-five (365) consecutive days from the date of acceptance of the Agreement. Upon activation of the Annual License, the Licensee is required to pay, on a one-off basis, a one-off fee of Euro ***. After the term of the Annual License, Licensee shall be entitled to use the Software, for a fee, by activating a new Annual License or a Monthly or Semi-Annual License.


Art. 13 – Applicable law

13.1 The Contract is governed by Italian law.


Art. 14 – Disputes

14.1 Any dispute that may arise on the interpretation, validity, effectiveness, execution or termination of the Contract, in the event of its failure to settle amicably, will be devolved prior to the attempt at mediation according to the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Mediation Regulations of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration, which the Licensee expressly declares to know and fully accept.

14.2 In the event that the conciliation attempt fails, the dispute will be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Milan.




Art. 15 – Final Provisions

15.1 Pursuant to art. 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the Licensee declares to specifically approve, after reading, the following clauses: art. 3 (Restrictions); Art. 4 (Amendments); Art. 8 (Revocation); Art. 9 (Limitation of Liability); Art. 10 (Prohibition of transfer); Article 11 (Termination); Art. 12 (Licenses); Art. 14 (Disputes).